Quantum Medical Imaging

Quantum Medical Imaging

Aesthetics are important to the clinic’s public image and visibility within the community as well as the connection to healing and the patient experience. Aesthetic considerations include: increased use of natural light, natural materials, and textures.

Type Commercial
Client Su Ann
Location Aperia Mall, Singapore
Year 2018

Quantum Medical Imaging

Aesthetics are important to the clinic’s public image and visibility within the community as well as the connection to healing and the patient experience. Aesthetic considerations include: increased use of natural light, natural materials, and textures.

Type Commercial
Client Su Ann
Location Aperia Mall, Singapore
Year 2018

Signage that promotes optimal way-finding, satisfies the orientation needs of the first-time patient, allows easy navigation, and provides highly visible reference points immediately adjacent to each major entrance.

Signage that promotes optimal way-finding, satisfies the orientation needs of the first-time patient, allows easy navigation, and provides highly visible reference points immediately adjacent to each major entrance.